Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is All Politics Like This?

Here is the most interesting thing to happen to Jordanian politics since well, ever since Jordanian politics don't interest me. I barely care about American politics. But when political interview shows are this exciting, I'd give it a chance.
Earlier this week, member of parliament Mohammed Shawabka was on with Jordanian Wolf Blitzer. Opposite him was activist and journalist (?) Monsour Sayf al-Din Murad. If your interest isn't already piqued, then check your pulse. The two men started arguing until Shawabka takes it to the next level.
Kojak gets political

First he takes off his shoe and throws it at Murad. In the Arabic parts of the world, throwing a shoe or hitting someone with a shoe is considered one of the greatest insults. It's on par with the American idea of teabagging.
Having missed with the shoe, Shawabka took out his gun. I'd like to say that a Matrix-style gun battle ensued while the participants yelled politically relevant arguments at each other. Instead the host, Jordanian Wolf Blitzer intervened and got Shawabka to put the gun away. The credits then rolled, presumably followed by the above-mentioned gun battle.
I would totally watch Meet The Press if there was a chance of Arianna Huffington pulling a knife on Sean Hannity. I don't know what satellite network I have to get to watch Jordanian Parliamentary Debate Show #29, but I'm willing to switch to Dish for this kind of entertainment.

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