Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Real Conundrum

Here I sit at 11pm playing NFL Blitz on XBox 360. My wife is asleep, after having an exhausting day (giggidy) with the dog snoring at her feet. I'm playing as the Giants of course. Right now I'm on defense and I'm ready to blitz. I break through the line and come like a freight train at the quarter back. A cartoonishly proportioned Antrel Rolle is bearing down on poor Josh Freeman. One thing is for certain, he's about to get pounded into the field. He tries to shuttle pass the ball away but succeeds only in tossing it into my hands as I launch into the air to flatten the QB.
and a sack. I'm watching the replay and all I want to do is show it to somebody to prove it actually happened. I cant deal with the guilt of waking her up, so I reach for my phone. Alas, it is in the bedroom with her! There will never be proof of this awesome event! Please trust me dear reader, it actually happened.

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