Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Epitome of Minority

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found the one person that embodies the spirit of being a minority. There is a rapper. His name is Yitz "Y-Love" Jordan. He is black, half Puerto Rican, half Ethiopian. In 2000 (12 years ago for those with dyscalculia) he converted to Hasidic Judaism, about as Jewish as you can get. And now, Y-Love has come out of the closet as a gay man.

So lets list the minorities he represents. He's black, which despite the amount of black people in the world, is still considered a minority. He's Jewish, of which there are roughly 13 million in the entire world. He's gay, a group that is a minority everywhere but Fire Island and San Francisco. By doing some quick, fictional math, I have determined that Y-Love represents about 0.000000000006% of the worlds population.
To put that in perspective, there are more members of undiscovered tribes in the Amazon than there are gay black Jews. Hell, there are probably more people in my apartment building than there are gay black Jews. This guy is the epitome of minority. How can you not love this guy?
The best part is that he's ready to find a husband. I hope he doesn't focus his search solely on the infinitesimally small black Jewish population of gay men. He can have either a black husband or a Jewish husband. Asking for both is probably too much. So Mazel Tov to you Y-Love, may you find your man.

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