Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finally Found A Guy Crazier Than Me

I'm always encouraged when I find someone who's crazier than me. It makes me feel, well less crazy. Yes, I may sing opera at times that my Good Lady Wife finds "embarrassing" and yes I have been known to have rather one-sided conversations with my dog Flexxo. But at least I never claimed that, as a child, I was part of a series of government experiments to send to people back in time.
It travels in time and space. It's bigger on the inside. And it holds cookies
At least that's what Andrew Basiago, a Seattle attorney is claiming. For almost 8 years now, Mr. Crazy, ESQ. has been claiming that he was part of "Project Pegasus" from age 7 to 12. Having nothing to do with flying horses, Project Pegasus was supposedly a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) a secret project investigating potential time travel techniques.
Basiago is not alone apparently. He has a lawyer friend named Alfred Webre who specializes in exopolitics. Alright, I'll bite, what the hell is exopolitics? It's the political implications of the presence of extra-terrestrials on Earth. So apparently you can make a career out of being crazy.
But we already knew that
It would seem the scientists involved in Project Pegasus were obsessed with Abraham Lincoln because they kept sending Mr. Basiago back to see him. He was lucky enough to hear the Gettysburg Address in person. As he says, even though he had been dressed in period clothing, he attracted too much attention because his shoes were too big. So he started walking around when he was allegedly photographed.
He says that's him on the left
It clearly is proof that he time traveled. I mean, look at the size of those shoes. But it gets better. Basiago claims he was at Ford's Theater for Lincoln's assassination. He didn't get to see the shot, but he says he heard it. Oh yeah and he also says that was there 5 or 6 separate times.
It still gets better. Basiago claims that twice he ran into other versions of himself. Honestly, I've often dreamed of meeting myself. I think it would be awesome, like finding an immediate best friend. Or worst enemy. Either way, it would be directed by Michael Bay.
Together, Basiago and Webre are positive that the American government has both time travel and teleportation technology, but will only use them to experiment on children. The Department of Defense has had this technology for 40 years and Donald Rumsfeld even used it to transport troops to battle.
I have to be honest, I'm starting to overload on all this crazy. I think I need to breath into a paper bag for a few minutes. I recommend you read the entire article yourself, as it contains more crazy per square inch than Rio during Festivale.

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