Monday, April 30, 2012

Youtube Monday: HAKA!!!

Youtube! Monday! Now that I have your attention, I'd like to welcome you back to Youtube Monday. Many have asked me why I call it Youtube Monday. I have no answer that will satisfy you. And frankly I don't care for your tone. How dare you speak to me in such a manner?! This means war!
I'm just kidding, I harbor you no ill will. I just needed a clever way of introducing todays video. This one is a combination of something annoying and something awesome. I find flash mobs to be annoying 99% of the time. This is the rare 1% when they do it in such a way that is undeniably awesome. The Haka.
What is the Haka you ask? It's a traditional Maori dance often performed during welcome ceremonies, important events and prior to battle. So when you see a group of large Maori men (and women) performing it, they're either welcoming you with open arms or about to charge you and kill your people. More recently, the Haka has been made famous by the New Zealand All Blacks, the most racist and misleading team name in all of rugby. Seriously, most of the players are white. And my proposal to change the name of the San Diego Chargers to the California Honkys was rejected.

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