Thursday, April 19, 2012

Untitled Blog Post #97: Mel Hates Jews

There are a few simple facts about the world. Bacon is delicious. Thunder is the result of Thor bowling. Republicans are assholes. These are as immutable as the laws of gravity and the state of Kansas (which are ironically incompatible). Every now and then we are reminded of the power of these facts. Like the other day when I made a package of bacon and ate it shirtless in front of the TV.
Oops, wrong bacon
Today we are reminded once again of the level of douchebagery that Republicans are capable of. John Raese is running for senate in Virginia and has of course been traveling around the state giving speeches and scaring babies. In a recent speech, Raese compared a counties indoor smoking ban to certain practices of the Nazi party. In an attempt to illustrate what he perceives as government overreach, he said the following:

But in [this county] now, I have to put a huge sticker on my building
to say this is a smoke-free environment....Remember Hitler used to put
Star of David on everybody's lapel, remember that? Same thing.

Wow. Where to begin? First, Jews weren't forced to wear the Star of David on their lapel, but on their sleeve. That is the least thing thats wrong and awful about his statement. I just want to get the correction out of the way. 
I'm both Jewish and an ex-smoker so I feel like I have a unique point of view on this. The Star of David on our arms was a way of branding the Jews so that they could be picked out more easily. After all, if you try to find a Jew based only on the size of nose, you end up with Adrien Brody. Putting up a sign with line going through a cigarette is far from the same thing.
Overall, I want to discount everything this man says. Past statements he's made have already proven his insanity. Like the time he said the U.S. needed to put 1000 laser systems in the sky to defend against a rogue missile. In case you're wondering what a rogue missile is, its a missile with its own agenda that answers to no man. 
I want to believe that Raeses idiotic statements will cost him the election. He tried running in 2010 but lost then, possibly due to his not being crazy enough. His campaign advisers told him to "crazy it up a bit man", but I think he took it too far. 
As long as I'm on the subject of anti-Semitism, Mel Gibson is back in the news. A couple weeks ago, screenwriter Joe Eszterhas sent an overly long letter accusing Mel of all the things we already know; namely that he is a Jew-hating madman. Well, it gets better. 
There are similar pictures of me
While a guest at the Road Warriors Costa Rican palace, Joe and family were privy to a rant like no other. Joes son recorded the rant and it has since been made available online. Give it a listen if you want to hear the word "fuck" yelled by an Oscar winner at a volume roughly the same as a jet engine. You can listen here as well as read the transcript
My favorite part is when he asks if anyone wants to eat. Honestly, it quickly changes from an angry rant to just yelling curses and knocking things over. Its like he's failing to Hulk out and that just makes him madder. Hulk Mad Max!

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