Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mmm...Milk and Cookies

Wow, I've made it to my hundredth post. That's right, 100 posts of nonsensical ramblings. Who would've thought that I had it in me. Of course there was no post yesterday because I was on deaths door. I'm still there but Death won't let me in.
Today's absurdity comes not from China, but South Korea and it features everybody's favorite sandwich like cookie. A recent advertisement in South Korea features what can only be the best baby ever. Or at least the luckiest. Kraft rolled out an ad for Oreo cookies that features a baby breastfeeding while holding an Oreo.
Let's ignore the boob for a minute and appreciate the cleverness of this ad. Yes, it's a bit racy for some, but it made me laugh the first time I saw it. And as any good advertisement does, it successfully made me want both an Oreo and a boob.
Of course there is a logistical problem with this ad. It's pretty hard to dip a cookie into a boob. Go ahead and try it, I'll wait. Did you just end up with a cookie with no milk? Cause that's what happened for me. Clearly the baby has the right idea. First you take a drink of milk, then a bite of Oreo. This may be the smartest baby in the world.
So kudos to you Oreo and South Korea. But more kudos to you most awesome baby in the world. This is an ad that you will be proud of once you're older and you understand what a boob is.

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