Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Danger: Toddler On The Loose

Children. Anyone who has ever dealt with a child, be it their own or someone elses, at some point you want to tie them down to get them to stop jumping up and down on your crotch. Kids are endless bundles of energy and bacteria. It gets worse when a temper tantrum inevitably ensues. There's nothing like a loud tantrum in the middle of a store.
Earlier this week, police in Georgia responded to a call at an elementary school, presumably to break up a teacher/student fight club. Instead they found a 6-year old girl having a tantrum in the principals office. The police tried to calm her down but when that failed, they handcuffed and arrested the little girl.
Apparently, young Salecia Johnson was throwing furniture and breaking shelves. So naturally the police did the only thing they could. Word is she was being fitted for a Hannibal Lecter mask when her parents picked her up at the station. At first she was charged with simple battery, until the police realized that she is 6 years old and decided not to charge her with anything.
There are some repercussions for you Salecia though. She has been suspended from school until August, which I'm sure she will hate. Seriously, doesn't that send the wrong message? At 6 years old, kids are starting to hate school. Now she will associate throwing a temper tantrum with getting 4 months off school.
I will agree that I have wanted to handcuff an unruly child in the past. Especially one that is smacking my head while jumping on my crotch. But the reality of the situation is very different. First, where do you find handcuffs small enough? Second, I find it hard to believe that 2 full grown human police officers couldn't restrain a 6 year old girl.
So far, police are standing by their decision to handcuff a little girl and take her into custody. Normally I like to point out the absurdity of things through sarcasm, but I feel like that would be redundant. Thanking the Georgia police for ending the reign of terror of a 6 year old girl seems like beating a dead horse. I would be going too far to say that I will sleep better tonight knowing that young Salecia Johnson has finally been captured.
I hope her parents do two things. First, ground the hell out of Salecia for throwing such an epic tantrum. Second, they should sue either the school, the police or both for excessive force. Third, they should give me a cut of the damages.


  1. Six years old and throwing furniture and breaking shelves? Two (presumably adult) policemen required to restrain her? How big is this child and how many times has she been left back. Was this a case of "'roid rage"? Has she been secretly working a meth lab in the science room closet?

    Six year olds are tough (see Ahnold in "Kindergarden Cop") but, really, police and handcuffs?

  2. I have tried to restrain my niece a few times when shes throwing a fit. She seems to just get crazy Hulk strong when I do that and kicks and screams more. I guess I was just missing actual physical restraints... ill take them the next time I babysit.

  3. The small child restraint works well. Sit the kid on your lap and cross her arms across her body, holding her wrists. Right hand holds left wrist and left hand holds right wrist. Let her tire herself out. Or you can bet her that she can't run around in a circle fifty times in a row

    1. Don't forget to cross one of your legs across the childs to prevent kicking.
