Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It Has Begun: Zombies in Miami

Have you noticed how I'm usually writing about zombies or horrors from the depths of our oceans? Well I haven't noticed either. Imagine when zombies start emerging out of the ocean. Well today I'm not writing about fish.
Making the news recently is a man in Miami getting naked and eating another mans face. Police were called by a passerby who noticed a naked guy on the ground chewing on the face of another dude. He was allegedly pulling pieces off with his teeth and swallowing them. Police had to shoot him after he ignored instructions to stop eating that dudes face.
Already the evidence of zombification is mounting but after he was shot, the man continued his lunch. He was eventually shot to death, presumably by removing the head or destroying the brain. Police are saying that the man was under a drug-induced psychosis, possibly from cocaine, possibly from LSD, definitely not weed though.

Drug-induced psychosis my ass! This man was clearly a zombie. Look at the evidence, he was eating a persons face and kept going after the cops shot him more than a half dozen times. I always thought I'd do ok in a zombie apocalypse except for the fact I live in a basement apartment. And speaking of zombie apocalypse, I recommend reading World War Z by Max Brooks.
So as if Scarface and Dexter weren't enough to keep you out of Miami, now you can add naked zombies to the list.


  1. Scarface, Dexter, Zombies, and David Caruso.

  2. Oh my god, how did I forget David Caruso? He's the worst of all. Ruined sunglasses for everyone
