Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Art is in the eye of the beholder. And if you were art, I beholding you! Hah! Now that that's out of the way I want to tell you about a story I've been tracking for a while. Over the last couple months, "artist" Michael Heizer made the news for his latest work-in-progress Levitated Mass. For the uninitiated, the installation is a 340-ton boulder. That's it.
Danger: Falling Rocks
See, it's just a huge rock perched on a couple of concrete walls. He didn't even carve it or paint it or adorn it with beads or anything. Mr. Heizer could have at least spray painted "Class of '12" or "Don Henley Rocks" onto it.
 It originally made headlines while it was being transported from Riverside County, California to the L.A. Museum of Art. It was an impressive feat of engineering to get this absurdly heavy rock down the highway and into place. However, that's where the impressive part ends.
I know that art is largely subjective but come on people. Putting a huge rock on a pedestal is stretching the definition of art to its breaking point. Don't get me wrong, overall it's an impressive feat of engineering. But calling it art is like shaving a llama and calling it a goat.
It took close to 3 months to get this 340 piece of "art" 105 miles and put it in place. The Druids could have done that in half the time, and they wouldn't be so pretentious as to call it art.

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