Monday, June 11, 2012

Youtube Monday: Demon in the Circuits

It's been a rough week but we're back with Youtube Monday. After scouring Youtube for almost 8 full minutes I remembered a really cool video from a few years ago. My comments after the video.
We all knew that mobile phones were inherently evil. This is something we see everyday when some jackass cuts us off cause he's on his phone. Or how everybody pulled out their camera-phones instead of helping me stop the bleeding when I got shot in the neck. It would seem it's because there is a demon inside every phone that is just waiting to come out.
There's no word if a phone has to be microwaved to make the demon emerge or if the ambient heat from being in your pocket is enough. I think I figured out why it feels like my phone is vibrating when there's no call incoming. It's just my phone demon messing me or letting me know he cares. There's no rule that says demons can't be caring individuals.

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