Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Worst Birthday Ever

It's a mixed day for me. On the one hand, I'm devastated about Gracies death. She was a sweet beautiful little butterfly. I always described her as being like mashed potatoes, but the fancy mashed potatoes with the skin still on and roasted garlic mixed in. I will miss Gracie forever.
But on the other hand, it's my birthday. I should be super happy, but I'm barely holding baseline here. For as much as I love Flexxo, I love Gracie as much. I realize the proper grammar is to say "loved" but I still love Gracie.
Also the Giants re-signed Tom Coughlin.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see a more recent picture (March or April 2012).

    When I first saw Gracie in a corral with several other dogs I knew immediately that our search for a companion for Flexxo and a dog for me and my wife was over. It was love at first sight and it proved to be well founded.

    Gracie didn't jump on you or lick your face. She would curl up next to you and, when she was comfortable, roll over and let you scratch her belly.....for hours.

    Gracie had different routines with everybody at home, invariably ending in a treat. Who could resist those big brown eyes and long lashes?

    I still see her in the corner of my eye in the living room or the kitchen (her favorite), and interpret any jingling of keys to be her collar tags. I look but she's not there. She's gone and she's not coming back and it hurts so bad.

    I will always love you Gracie.
