Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Day After

My good lady wife is a frickin genius. She posited an interesting idea today that I will now share with you. she started by reflecting that Valentines Day is stereotypically for the ladies and that guys have to go so far out of their way to please their ladies on February 14th.
So she proposed a second holiday for February 15th just for the girls to make their guys happy. On the 14th, guys run around getting flowers and chocolate for their ladies. On the 15th, ladies get video games for their men and take them to sporting events. Frankly brilliant. She took it for a test run today by surprising me at lunch with Wendy's famous Big Bacon Classic and then bought me some Lego's. Yes, I still play with Lego's, I wont apologize for it.
So far however, we don't have a name for this awesome new holiday. Any Suggestions? Please post your hopefully brilliant ideas in the comments section.

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