Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cute to The Power of Adorable

In general I try to keep my personal life out of this blog. Not because I'm an intensely private individual, but because to be honest, nobody gives a shit about my personal life. Hell, I barely care about it. Today's post is going to get personal in the most adorable way imaginable. I do not hide the fact that I love puppies but this has nothing to do with puppies for once.
I have a five year old niece. She is precocious and adorable. While checking the inbox of a long forgotten email address last night I stumbled upon a video that her father put on Youtube. It would seem that, like her uncle, young Kylapants is a fan of Nicki Minaj. In particular the song Superbass. And much like her uncle, she likes to sing along to it but doesn't actually know the words besides "boom-ba-doom-boom boom-ba-doom-boom something something Superbass". However, when she sings along, its cute. When I sing along, its a bit creepy.
In case you're wondering, yes she is that cute in person too. Some might question my heterosexuality when I start fawning over how adorable she is. She was a bridesmaid for my good lady wife. She used her wand to "magic you away Pop!" after my dad told her no. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the cutest child ever, even cuter than me when I was her age.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go do manly things like hunt a bear with only my wits and a bowie knife. Once I finish that, I'll probably be tired so I'll quickly chop down some trees with my brawn and build a log cabin. Might decorate it with a Mediterranean theme.

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