Sunday, March 11, 2012

I Didn't Save Anything Today

Frickin' Daylight Savings Time! Nature can be a real jerk sometimes. I was woken up at what we all know was really 8, not 9. At least I was woken the best possible way, with bacon. My extremely Good Lady Wife arranged an amazing weekend, capped with breakfast in bed. The Daylight Savings Time change-over is the only pock mark during an otherwise amazing weekend.
The opera was great. I recommend seeing The Barber of Seville. The character of Figaro is awesome and he knows it. I really related to him. Anyway, the Museum of Science was fantastically fun. They had exhibits I could play with. I learned while having fun! For example, I have approximately 13 pints of blood. So, get your own!
Dinner was legendary at Top of The Hub. Nuff said. I eventually slipped into a wonderful food coma only to be so rudely interrupted an hour earlier than expected. This minor inconvenience has to stop. That one less hour has thrown off the rest of the days mojo.
I'll be back with you tomorrow with Part 4: Ron Paul: President of the Internet

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