Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm Getting Too Old For This $#!+

I'm waiting for Gotham City Imposters to finish downloading so I figured I'd do a quick follow up to a couple stories.
First, lets get this out of the way, Putin is still King of Russia or whatever title he has now. He won the presidential (should that be capitalized) election and is president once again, except this time for 6 years. So he started his rise to emperor in the KGB, of course becoming head. Then it was a stint as president, followed by his current Prime Minister post. I'm waiting for him to retreat to his moon base before blasting every capitalist dog off the Earth with a giant moon laser. Then its up in the air whether he gets foiled or not. We might need Captain America for real this time.
Second, this weekend I got to spend a month with my niece. First there's the typical jungle gym stuff. Obviously I'm the jungle gym. This was followed by a 45 minute long dance party to Nicki Minaj's Super Bass. Since I'm a prematurely old man, my knees are so frickin' sore. Its true that I have a bad knee stemming from the time I lifted a greyhound bus off an orphaned puppy. That puppy came home with me and has never left. Just lays around and mooches food.
Anyway, the download is finished so I'm going to give this game a shot.

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