Friday, March 23, 2012

The Other Manning

So I just learned that 2 time Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning has an older brother who also plays football. And get this, he also plays quarterback. What are the odds? I kid of course, I'd have to have some serious mental deficiencies to not know who Patrick Manning is. What's that? Its Peyton Manning? What kind of name is that?
Anyway, the big news coming out of the NFL, aside from the Saints being huge dillholes, is the trade of the elder Manning. Peyton has officially been traded to the Denver Broncos, meaning that the Broncos have released Jesus' ex-roommate, Tim Tebow. I'm going to ignore the unnecessary acquisition by the Jets (NY's other team) and instead concentrate on Pat Robertson's recent comments.
Televangelist (I can't believe thats an actual word) and well known douche Pat Robertson recently commented to his 700 Club that Peyton Manning should get injured to teach the Broncos a lesson for releasing Timmy-Boy. I'm just going to provide the actual quote because my jerkass-summarizing skills are kind of rusty.

"OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right."

Wow. What an a-hole. I'm honestly a bit stymied as to how to react to this. I already knew Pat Robertson was a dick, but this is a whole new level. He is essentially wishing that Peyton Manning re-breaks his neck because hes mad that the Broncos released his favorite player. And to make it worse, he's twisting the will of Dog for his own selfish and petty means.
I'm frankly flabbergasted at this guy. So much so that I think I need to stop writing about this before I slip into a string of incomprehensible curses and insults. Instead I will present you with a picture of the ring that Peyton will win for the Broncos to show Pat Robertson what a dick he is.
Now THATS a 10 table ring
Actually thats a picture of the first all-diamond ring. That thing is 150 carats and is worth about $70 million, or less than the amount the Denver Broncos just paid Satans QB. Suck it Pat Robertson.


  1. Actually, dear David, I believe it was Pat Robertson who just agreed with us hippies that Marijuana should be legalized. I was shocked but somewhat pleased that the old boy was so hip. He's probably sick or knows someone who's sick and smoking medical marijuana.

  2. Well now I just don't know what to think. He's still a dick, but I always pictured him as more of a coke fiend. In all seriousness though, its a brilliant move by him. He's secretly anti-marijuana (or the demon weed as he calls it in private) and knows that whatever he supports, real people will be against. If he supports abortion, I guarantee that it will be fully criminalized.
