Monday, March 12, 2012

Just Lie Back and Think of America

The Daylight Savings induced rage continues. My mojo is still thrown off but not enough to prevent me from bringing you the fourth part of my series entitled "Snowballs Chance In Hell". In this final part, I will take you forward to the year 2015. Historians will look back on this election and wonder, simply, how? Ron Paul is wrapping up his third year as president and the nation has never been more confused.
The United States government is completely bankrupt after the dissolution of the IRS and all income and sales taxes. Borders are open only to money and mail order brides, and they're not going in the direction you think. American mail order brides are flocking to China, having been bought by the Chinese Communist Party in an attempt to balance the gender discrepancy.
Where have I seen this design before?
In early 2013, President Ron "Two First Names" Paul declared war on the moon, conquering it largely unopposed and officially declaring it the 51st state before populating it with the best and brightest.  They all died horribly. Since then, the President has been eyeing Europe hungrily. NAFTA has been replaced by EPFTA (Entire Planet Free Trade Agreement) and MFTA (Moon Free Trade Agreement). North Korea now gets the bulk of its kimchee imported from Hawaii.
President Paul is outed as a racist when he is caught on tape ranting about "those damn honkey's at the Washington Post". However, in an ironic twist of events, the President sue's the Washington Post for taping his conversation without his consent. Much like President Ron Paul himself, the plan was just crazy enough to work and the Washington Post was forced to issue an apology.
The fence on the border of Mexico has been extended to Canada as well. $342 million was spent improving the border from a fence to a wall 30 feet high with ramparts every 100 yards and crenelations running the length so defenders can fire down on anyone attempting a border crossing. Construction has begun on a massive seawall to follow the American coastline as well.
In 2015, aliens from a distant galaxy landed in Virginia. They were promptly shot for not following proper immigration procedures.

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